Home cleaning on your terms
Safe and effective home cleaning
Getting the professionals in can often be a huge relief. You can stop worrying about the cleaning and feel safe in the knowledge that it will be done properly. Here at HomeMaid, we have almost 25 years’ experience in cleaning thousands of Swedish homes, helping our customers to keep on top of things. We are passionate about making life simpler and cleaner for you, a life of calm with fewer chores. With us, you get the same service assistant every time. A person you know, who knows your home and knows how you want things – making the service both safe and efficient.
You decide how often you want the cleaning service
Many people opt for home cleaning once a week, but you can of course choose a plan where we clean more or less often. Sometimes it may be inconvenient for us to come, in which case simply let us know and we’ll bank your hours for later use. We take care of all rooms and spaces: view the details about how the cleaning works and what is included here.
Any questions? Get in touch! Or book your cleaning now.
Anything missing from the list below? Our home cleaning is an adaptable and flexible service, so we can work together to produce a cleaning plan just for you.